Compendium of Keywords

By the end of elementary school you should be able to recite precise definitions for all the math terminology listed below. They will all be found in a dictionary you make.

Here are some resources to use for your research:

  1. The Illustrated Glossaries found in the back of Math Makes Sense 7 and 8
  2. Definition and Explanation of Math Keywords
  3. Starting Points in Math 6, Glossary
  4. Middle Years Mathematics Glossary

TIP: Only memorize the best, most concise definitions you can find.

acute angle / addend / addition / algebra /algebraic expression /alternate angles / amount / angle /angle bisector / area / array / average / average speed / base / biased / bisect / bisector / capacity / census / centre (of a circle) / chord / circle / circumcentre / circumcircle / circumference / cluster trend / commission/ common (like) denominator / common denominator / common factor / common multiple / complement / complementary angles / composite number / composite number / concave polygon / cone / congruent figures / convex polygon / coordinate / grid  / corresponding angles / cross products / cube / cube number / cylinder / database / decagon / decimal / degree (of an angle) / degree (of temperature) / denominator / diameter / difference / digit / discount  / distributive property / dividend (see: division) / divisor (see: division) / edge / end point / equation / equilateral triangle /  equivalent fractions / equivalent ratios / estimate /  evaluate / even number / expand / expanded form /  experimental probability / exponent / form / face / factor (see: multiplication) / fields / flip / flip image / flip line / fraction / fraction strips / frequency table / frustum / graph / greater than (>) /  greatest common factor / greatest common factor (GCF) / hexagon / histogram / hypotenuse / icosahedron / inference / integer / interior angles /  intersecting lines / intersection / inverse operation / irrational number /  isometric / diagram / isosceles triangle /  least common multiple / less than (<) / like denominator /  line / line graph / line of symmetry / line segment / line symmetry / lowest common denominator / lowest common multiple (LCM) / lowest-terms fraction /  mass /  mean /  median /  minuend (see: subtraction) / mixed form / mode / multiple / multiplication / negative integer / negative number / number line / number sentence / numeral /  numerator / obtuse angle / octagon / octahedron / odd number / odds / opposite angles / opposite integers / ordered pair / origin / outcome / parallel lines / parallelogram / parentheses / part-to-part ratio / part-to-whole ratio / pentagon /  percent / perfect cube / perfect square / e / perimeter /  perpendicular / perpendicular bisector / perpendicular lines / pictorial diagram / place value / polyhedron (polyhedra) / population / positive integer /positive number / power / primary data / prime factorization / prime number / principal / prism / probability / proportion / pyramid / Pythagorean Theorem / Pythagorean triple / quandrants /  radius / rate / ratio / rational number / reciprocals / regular polyhedron / related denominators / relative frequency / repeating decimal / sales tax / sample / scientific notation / secondary data / similar figures / simple interest / simplest form / simulation / solve an equation / spreadsheet / square number / square root / standard form / Statistics Canada (Stats Can) / stem-and-leaf plot / supplementary angles / surface area / terminating decimal / terms of a ratio / tessellations / theoretical probability / tiling the plane / transversal / trapezoid / tree diagram / triangle / triangular prism / unit fraction / unit rate / unit tiles / unrelated denominators / variable / variable tile / volume / x-axis / y-axis / zero pair